April Newsletter
How to treat ourselves, how to ‘un-create’ our illnesses thanks to hypnotherapy.
Every illness, every pain and every accident find their origins in our emotions. Therefore, if we create our illnesses, pains and even accidents, we can also un-create them, can’t we?

December Newsletter
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The best part about the new year is that we get to begin again: new starts, new inspirations, new successes!
As the festive season approaches, I would like to share with you a strange but true story, found in “The New Dictionary of the Impossible” by Didier Van Cauwelaert, himself inspired by “Psi” - a remarkable work compiled by the psychotherapist Erik Pigani who devotes his time to those phenomena which are beyond us but which show us strange connections.
November Newsletter
Discover an introduction to hypnotherapy
“I'm completely lost, I can't move forward, I can't think, my brain is foggy, I have no motivation, I can't even work, I have fits of anxiety, I can’t breathe, my throat is tight, I have a lump in my stomach, I even have palpitations sometimes…”
Who hasn’t already had these thoughts…? Sometimes completed with: “I wonder what I’m doing on Earth, really… What is the goal of it all ? Is that the purpose of life? To get slapped again and again? I have barely recovered from an ordeal and a new one comes along…?!?”