“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience,
but spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
Multidimensional spiritual hypnosis ®
Whether it is quantum* hypnosis (QHHT - Dolores Cannon), regressive (Dr Brian Weiss), progressive (parallel or future lives …) or trans-generational hypnosis, there are many reasons why you could do a multidimensional spiritual hypnosis® session: Just out of curiosity… Or to find the origin of a repetitive pattern or an obsession in your behaviour… To deal with grief, communicate with a deceased loved one, and understand that death is only the continuity of life… To eliminate a recurring dream or a nightmare... Or to discover the origin of a birthmark or a physical anomaly... To approach gender identity differently... To move towards healing ... Or maybe to understand what you are doing on this planet, to know your mission on Earth …
* Quantum: “Time is just an illusion. Einstein told us that. What quantum physicists and Einstein tell us is that everything is happening simultaneously.” Dr Joe Vitale
“One of the things that happens during a past life regression is that you get to encounter, first hand, your own immortality. By seeing yourself in a different body, or a different form -you might even be a different gender or ethnicity- is very powerful. You can literally see that who you are is not your body. And that there is a part of you that does exist before life, and therefore will exist after life, can be a very powerful and healing experience. You can see other people with you in your past lives that you were together with before, and maybe they have already left or transitioned beyond this earthly plane, but seeing them in your past life can help you know that you will indeed see them again. And so, it doesn't take away the grief, we still miss them and wish they were here, but it does add a layer of understanding that there is a spiritual dimension and a realm that exists around us. And know the truth- that our loved ones stay connected to us over many lifetimes. A past life regression can be a powerful vehicle for healing of grief around death, dying and loss.” M. Brock
You come to understand that you do not exist in your physical body only, but in many other planes of consciousness, and that your soul, this divine spark which exists in you before, during and after life, is the receptacle of all your experiences and all your knowledge, life after life. You are a multidimensional spiritual being.
You may say, though, “What if I do not believe in ‘reincarnation, past lives, journey of the soul’?” You can still benefit from the session by considering the uncovered past lives as metaphors or stories created by your subconscious / supraconscious to explain your current situation.
You will be guided towards the past (or another dimension), allowing you to understand your present - and thus change your future.
What multidimensional spiritual hypnosis® brings to you is not only a journey through time (and space!) but also intense personal work and profound transformation.
Personal journey in regressive hypnosis
Before I turned 20, I was lucky enough to experiment a past life regression. A few years later, having learned one of the various possible techniques, out of curiosity, I would regress people around me.
Today, as a clinical hypnotherapist, I practise a type of rapid regression in the 1st sessions of traditional hypnosis - when the case arises - to search for the origin of a particular emotion.
However, when it comes to multidimensional spiritual hypnosis, the session usually lasts a whole afternoon.
What happens in a multidimensional spiritual hypnosis session?
Trained in QHHT (level 2), I will dedicate a whole afternoon (4-5h) to your session. There are 3 main parts:
Long interview about your life, your issues and your questions
Hypnosis: Deep relaxation, past-life/other dimension, communication with the SC / Infinite Intelligence
NB: For any further information, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Fee: $ 600 (Instalment payment accepted.)
The teachers
One can have only deep respect for the two pioneers of regressive hypnosis - the American hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon and the American psychiatrist Brian Weiss: Thanks to their passion, their observations and their determination, they have allowed the general public to discover the phenomenon of past lives. They have also made it so that those who wish can learn to guide others to these other dimensions.
Dolores Cannon - QHHT®
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique - QHHT® is a unique approach developed by American hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon over decades of practice with thousands of clients. This technique enables anyone -whatever their origin, culture, religion or beliefs- to contact what she called the Subconscious, but which in fact represents that part of us connected to the ‘supreme consciousness, the universal wisdom, the infinite intelligence…’ who holds the answers to all our questions.
Often times, illnesses - psychological or physical - or repetitive emotional patterns have their origin in a lesson to be learned in this lifetime, but linked to a trauma encountered in a previous life. This concept may seem incredible at first, and for some it may be easier to think of the message as just a metaphor or symbol. The main goal is to uncover the root of the problem and the lesson behind it, then to accept to let go. A transformation (or ‘trance-formation’!) then occurs, changing the person profoundly and rapidly, if not instantly.
Dolores Cannon can be seen as the pioneer of past-life regression: In 1968, she and her husband realised that a subject could not only be taken back to the beginning of this present life, but could also relive many past lives. Their first subject described her life as an avant-garde young woman in the Roaring Twenties in Chicago. However, over the decades and to Dolores Cannon's amazement, the subjects began to describe other scenes: Life after death, life on other spatio-temporal planes, life in other forms…!
2. Dr Brian Weiss - Past Life Therapy
A graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical University, Dr Brian Weiss is an American psychiatrist who specialises in past life regression and reincarnation, life after death… In the 1980s, while using hypnosis to regress a client to her early childhood, he was surprised, even shocked, to listen to her talk about 4000 year old memories. She was describing one of her past lives in Egypt. This was, for Dr Weiss, the beginning of a long search and a radical shift in his career as a traditional psychiatrist. Through developing past life therapy, he enabled thousands of patients to heal their physical and emotional pain in their current lives.

For more information, you can check the following links:
‘The search for Bridey Murphy’
‘Luke Ruehlman / Pam Robinson’
Dr. Ian Stevenson’s and his team’s reincarnation research :
Dolores Cannon / QHHT - quantum healing hypnosis technique
Dr B.Weiss
“Funny, isn’t it, that sleep or hypnotic trance, leads us to Awakening?
It is time to open your eyes.Wake up!
And follow the white rabbit,
Whether it is the one in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland or in the Matrix.”
A. Vale