“Man cannot discover new oceans
until he has courage to lose sight of the shore.”
André Gide
Whether in children or adults, there are many scenarios for which hypnotherapy sessions are beneficial.
Anxiety, burn-out
Exams, Sports performance
Traumas, PTSD, grief, break-up
Phobias (eg. plane, lifts, snakes…)
Addictions (cigarettes, vaping, alcohol...)
Physical issues (allergies, skin diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic dysfunctional pain syndrome…)
Pregnancy, labour, infertility
Repetitive neurological patterns (stutter, bruxism, enuresis, nail biting…)
Lack of self-confidence
Other: insomnia, weight…
In hospitals, deep relaxation and hypnotherapy help to:
Decrease stress and anxiety before and after an operation
Alleviate fear of needles
Reduce pain, nausea and vomiting
Recover from anaesthesia and heal after surgery with more ease
Limit side effects of treatments (eg. chemotherapy, radiotherapy...)
NB: If your individual issue does not appear here or in the Testimonials, do not hesitate to contact me to talk about it.

These days, it seems anything could be a source of anxiety, doesn't it?
True story: Anxiety about everything
According to her own description, Amanda had anxiety “about everything”:
Commuting on public transport to work, the job itself, the people on the street, shopping in malls…
During her 1st session, she came to realise that there were quite a few situations in which she was not worried; it felt reassuring that she wasn’t anxious ‘about everything.’ Then, thanks to specific techniques, she was able to manage her anxiety on a daily basis.
But most of all, she understood what was behind her anxiety, the message her subconscious wanted to convey to her. From the moment she paid attention to what was going on inside, and no longer outside, things changed dramatically for her.
After a trauma, whether physical or emotional, the traditional frame of reference is being called into question and self-confidence is shattered. The consequence is enormous stress, depression, burnout ...
However, the new techniques we now use allow a rapid recovery. They can be applied to the following cases:
Diagnosis of a serious illness
Grief / Bereavement
Bullying at school or at work, harassment in a romantic relationship…
Failed exam
New career or position / Dismissal
Moving, expatriation or repatriation
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
True story: Violent assault / PTSD
Suzanne was assaulted one evening in the town where she lived in France. That was 5 years ago, she said, horribly stressed and obviously still very affected by the assault. She started to give details, but when I told her that we only needed the bare minimum to deal with her trauma, she was extremely grateful not to have to tell her story again. She added forcefully that she didn't want to talk about it anymore, even think about it, but that the images came back day and night, constantly.
At the end of her first session, she was having trouble understanding what had happened to her. All she knew was that a huge change had taken place, as she could no longer think of the trauma that had haunted her continuously for five years. She tried hard to manage to bring up a few bits of memories, but they seemed incredibly distant to her -to her great relief!
This is in fact how we know that the techniques have succeeded: On the one hand, the trauma has been relegated to its place as a memory, in the past; and on the other hand, the emotion attached to it has been “sectioned”, made neutral, thus losing any capacity to prevent the person from moving forward in their life now.
True story: Bad break-up
Anna was in the depths of the abyss after her separation from her partner of over 3 years. Red eyes, strained features, she said she didn't know how she was going to survive this new breakup. It was clear to her that she managed to ‘attract all the nutcases on the planet’ or/and ‘create situations to get dumped’. Still, her brain was on a loop; she couldn’t think of anything else but him.
When Anna came back the following week for her second session, she was a totally different person: Calm, serene, smiling, she was surprised she felt completely detached from her ex-partner now. Above all she had regained confidence in herself, in life and in the future. She decided she wanted to come back for another two sessions, to make sure 'he was completely gone from her life' and that the neurological pattern she had kept on repeating so far was completely deleted. She also felt comforted to know that she could come back any time ‘just for a quick adjustment’ or to work on another area in her life.

Some people live all their lives with phobias -that actually prevent them from living! Snakes, spiders, lizards, heights, planes, elevators, hospitals, needles etc.
Sometimes there is a definite, clear and specific event to which the phobia can be related. In other cases, the original event has been completely forgotten, making these uncontrolled and uncontrollable reactions even more incomprehensible. It doesn't matter. Whether the original event is conscious or unconscious, a phobia can be deleted through the use of specific techniques, thus allowing the behaviour to be changed.
True story - Phobia of ‘margouillats’ (lizards)
For those who do not know, a margouillat is a lizard of ten to fifteen cm that likes basking in exotic places, such as the Pacific Islands.
The vast majority of the population consider lizards to be a small, harmless reptiles.
However, for Sandra, living in New Caledonia, there was nothing cute about margouillats. They were horrible critters that terrified her, to the point of preventing her from going to work in the morning if there was one in the house, making her jump onto the table. Or if she found one spread out full length in front of the door on her return, seeming to taunt her, Sandra, paralysed, had to wait for her husband or neighbour to come and rescue her from the monster.
As for her garden, she hardly ever went there. Danger zone! Her life was therefore a long nightmare filled with margouillats. A very disabling phobia when you have to live on an island that you share with those little animals, isn't it?
While she was in Sydney for a short holiday, we worked on her phobia. On her return to Noumea, very soon she realised that something had changed. When she saw a margouillat now, she watched it out of the corner of her eye, ordering it to stay where it was. Or, if it really hampered her in her activities, she now felt brave enough to wave it off. If it resisted she would grab a broom and scare the monster that had previously terrorised her. It was no longer a phobia. And she had taken back control of her life.
Some people need a little help with their addictions, to quit smoking, to stop drinking (alcohol, coffee, kava, etc.), to refrain from eating chocolate, ice cream - or just eating!
It is a strange thing, is it not, to know that a smoker who wants to quit smoking is fully aware of his/her situation, but he/she is completely unable to do so ? The same is true for a person who "drinks a little too much.” Or whatever the addiction is.
And yet, we know that cigarettes and alcohol rob us of health, sleep, breath, money, well-being, comfort, time, friends, family, etc. But despite our will, our determination and our desire to stop, the insidious addiction maintains its grip over our lives.
In fact, this behaviour is not so strange if we consider that compulsion is a phenomenon which takes place beyond the conscious mind… Consequently, the only way - except rare exceptions - to undermine an addiction is to work with the unconscious mind. Hence the increasingly recognised success of hypnotherapy in this field. This gentle, effective and extremely fast method allows you to stop in 1, 2 or 3 sessions of 2 hours.
What happens during a session ?
1st session:
Along with a cup of tea/herbal tea/coffee, presentation of the session
Questions about your smoking / drinking / eating etc. habits in order to help you change
Explanation regarding addictions, habits etc
Hypnosis - resting, listening without really listening
Welcome back!
The following sessions -if necessary- will help reinforce the instructions given to your unconscious:
Along with a cup of tea/herbal tea/coffee, checking on the "new you" as a non-smoker
Hypnosis - resting, listening without really listening
Welcome back!
True story: Quitting smoking and vaping
Franck smoked 10 cigarettes a day and also vaped. Originally vaping was supposed to help him make the transition, to quit smoking, but things hadn't quite worked out as he had expected, and now, in addition to standard cigarettes, he also had to deal with electronic cigarettes.
His first session allowed him to quit smoking; however, he continued to vape. In his second session the following week, we focused on vaping. He reported that even before the end of the second week, he had also stopped vaping.
He did his third session as recommended after 8 weeks, just as a precautionary measure, even though deep down he knew he was now totally free from cigarettes -standard and electronic. And he still is.

When we understand that an emotion can be at the source of an illness or a physical issue, then working with the subconscious mind seems logical - even if the person refuses to believe it ... which makes the changes even more surprising when they take place!
Examples of areas treated: allergies, burns, bruxism, effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy (nausea, fatigue, etc.), pain, chronic fatigue, fertility, insomnia, nail biting, skin problems (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis…), irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers etc.
True story: the rapid healing of a leg ulcer
An ulcer at the emotional level, we are told, is a way for the body to evacuate an excess of anger and resentment that could not be manifested in a ‘normal’ way, namely words - or a gesture !
Marie had created an ulcer on her right leg. For months and months, she was in pain despite the care provided 7 days a week by nurses and a phlebologist. The dressings, ointments and compression stockings had no effect. After 6 months of conventional care, she finally agreed to turn to something much less conventional and to do hypnotherapy. Session after session, her 8 cm by 5 cm wound gradually began to close. After 5 weeks, at the rate of one session per week, the skin had become beautiful and healthy again. And it remained so.
There is different type of scenario: Neurological patterns that are repeated unconsciously, such as procrastination, nightmares, anger, etc.
By neutralising the emotion attached to the situation - in the proper sense of the word, namely 'by making it neutral' - we can leave the event behind and move on; calm returns, making it possible to regain lucidity of mind, motivation and joie de vivre.
Thus, working on the emotion, we transform the memory, which in turn allows us to modify the behaviour.
True story: procrastination
Marc had, in his own words, ‘the nasty habit of always putting off until tomorrow what he could do the same day.’ It was something that had been with him for as long as he could remember, he said, and that weighed more and more heavily in his life, especially in his professional life, where he often waited for the deadline of a given project looming ahead to start working hard. After his sessions, he found himself planning his projects a month in advance… Unheard of in his world!
For some people, it is the process of going beyond themselves that is important, whether it is in their personal or professional life, in arts, education, sports…
True story: Exams
Benjamin had to sit for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in order to be able to stay in Australia. He knew that his command of English was just average but for him, passing this exam and being able to stay in the country was ‘a matter of life and death, all his happiness depended on that test.’ He absolutely had to stay in Australia: He had a job that he loved and that could take him far in his career; also, he had been living for some time already with his South American partner, whom he did not see himself abandoning because of an exam (she had warned him that she was not keen to live anywhere else.) Panicked and desperate, he had turned to hypnotherapy at the last minute without really believing in it… Which meant we had only one week to work a miracle. And a miracle he got since he obtained marks he absolutely did not expect. According to him, he just couldn’t have done it without hypnotherapy! Those fantastic results allowed him not only to stay in the country, but also to progress in his career and to marry his sweetheart. So he was right to say that his happiness depended on that test ...
True story: Sports performance
Patrick was training hard, week after week, month after month, to progress in his favourite sports, swimming. And yet, his results were nowhere near what he believed they should have been when he considered all his efforts. Exhausted, even annoyed, he finally agreed to try hypnotherapy, although he confessed that to him it was ‘something without any credible, scientific basis.’ Right… So the first step was to have him check the latest research in the field of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, found in books such as The brain that changes itself by Norman Doidge or Becoming supernatural by Joe Dispenza. The second step was to use NLP and have him go through his next swimming event, actually living it. He could hear the crowd. He could see everyone one around him congratulate him at the end of the event. Sure, he could feel the exhaustion but also the intense joy of having succeeded. The third step was to strengthen these feelings and this knowing that he had gotten to another level through hypnosis. And voilà! What he had experienced in his sessions actually took place at the following swimming event. All his efforts were finally paying off.

“How much longer will you go on letting your energy sleep?
How much longer are you going to stay oblivious of the immensity of yourself?”
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh