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Image by Kristin Charleton

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

“Imagine you are floating in an ocean of serenity, an ocean of possibilities...


“You are the sum total of what you repeat to yourself in the privacy of your own mind. So it is essential you choose your thoughts carefully."

Lynsi Eastburn

NLP -  Neuro-Linguistic-Programming


In the early 1970’s, Richard Bandler, a student in mathematics, and Dr John Grinder, a linguistics professor, decided to model the therapy skills of extraordinary therapists such as Fritz Perls, the psychiatrist who developed Gestalt therapy; Virginia Satir, the psychotherapist regarded as the 'mother of family therapy'; and Milton Erickson, the psychiatrist who is most well known for mastering medical hypnosis.


In light of their immediate results, Grinder and Bandler formalised their powerful modelling techniques and their own individual contributions under the name of “Neuro-Linguistic Programming” (NLP).


  • Neuro refers to the nervous system/mind and covers the simple concept that all our behaviours are generated by the way we process information through our senses, constantly filtering and editing the outside world.

  • Linguistic refers to language and indicates the verbal and non-verbal communication systems we use to organise our thoughts, actions and behaviours.

  • Programming refers to the programs we choose to run in our neurological system


To put it simply, NLP helps us understand how people organise their thinking, feeling, language and behaviour to produce the results they do, and provides us with very effective tools to re-organise and remodel the language of our mind to produce the results we want.

Thanks to NLP, we can change our physiology and our neurology to achieve the mind-body states we desire.


As Anthony Robbins, the American NLP coach par excellence, remarked: “If we take control of our own communication with ourselves and produce visual, auditory and kinaesthetic signals of what we do want, outstanding positive results can be consistently produced, even in situations where the odds for success seem limited or nonexistent.”

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. 

With our thoughts, we make the world.” 



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Serenity Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

An ocean of serenity, an ocean of possibilities...


Audrey Vallat 

Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, EMDR, EFT
NLP Coaching

Regressive Hypnosis / Spiritual Hypnosis  


185 Elizabeth St - Sydney NSW 2000 - Australia

+61 415 663 092

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