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  “Imagine you are floating in an ocean of serenity, an ocean of possibilities...


“If we maximise the potential of our brain, we can offer ourselves a life which is very, very different from the one we have today.”


Dr Tara Swart, psychiatrist, neuroscientist and coach.

Transformational coaching is a unique, dynamic, and holistic process aimed at fostering profound personal change. It is holistic in the sense that it takes into account the individual as a whole, focusing on their physical, psychological, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions, in order to better meet the specific needs and goals of each person.


Unlike traditional coaching methods, transformative coaching delves into our underlying beliefs and desires that shape our behaviour, challenging and reshaping them to unlock new possibilities and potential. This empowering process goes beyond skill development, focusing on self-discovery and radical transformation to create lasting positive impact in all aspects of our lives.


Furthermore, the results of transformative coaching appear much more quickly than in other types of personal development coaching. Thanks to the use of very powerful tools such as positive psychology, creative visualisation, NLP, EMDR, EFT or modern hypnosis, there is deprogramming then re-programming of the neural pathways which not only prevented us from moving forward but also had created conscious blockages (trauma, addictions, phobias…) or unconscious ones (habits, inherited trans-generational/trans-personal patterns or coming from past lives, if we believe in this concept - or not!)

Deprogramming is often initiated by life, through a rather unpleasant - and sometimes extremely painful - event: Break up/divorce, death, physical or psychological violence, dismissal... An event that will destroying our life as we have always known it and forcing us to to deeply question ourselves.
Transformational coaching will then help us determine which neural pathways led us there. Once these neural pathways are defined, we can erase them in order to literally make room for otherneural connections and pathways.

Reprogramming can then begin, allowing us to adopt new beliefs and new behaviours, and thereby attracting new circumstances into our lives that are more aligned with who we truly are deep inside ourselves.

Transformative coaching often intersects with neuroscience through their emphasis on
understanding and influencing the brain's functioning to facilitate personal growth.
Neuroscience studies how the brain processes information, forms habits, and adapts to change;
transformative coaching leverages this knowledge by incorporating specific techniques that align
with neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganise itself.
See Blog - Neuroplasticity or How to transform your life thanks to your thoughts

We therefore have the power to create, maintain or destroy the neural pathways in our brain. This process is neuroplasticity at work. Once we understand that the brain is dynamic, flexible and capable of building and rebuilding our neural pathways - contrary to what was previously thought - we can not only answer the question “Is my life the way I want it to be?” but also, if it is not, we can ensure that it becomes so, since, through this radical modality, we can free ourselves from the past, to move forward on healthy foundations in the present, in order to quickly reach the future we desire . 

Fundamental techniques used in transformational coaching



Done mostly in writing after the first session, this introspection work encourages you to explore your current situation, your values, your beliefs and your aspirations, and is a tremendous technique.
Writing helps you clarify what you want in life. Rather than having fleeting ideas of what you
would hope could happen, writing down the exact thing you want allows it to become real to your unconscious mind. Remember: The unconscious mind does not know the difference between reality and imagination.


Transformative coaching focuses on setting a clear and concrete short/medium term goal that allows you to move forward on your life path.


Your limiting beliefs as well as negative thought patterns that hinder your personal development
will be identified and reprogrammed, thus promoting a positive and constructive state of mind.



By changing deeply within yourself, you will realign your actions and decisions with your core
values. This alignment will contribute to a more authentic and fulfilled life.



By becoming aware of who you really are, your emotions will stabilise in the present - preventing you from revisiting traumatic past events or from projecting yourself with anxiety into a future that does not exist.



Using visualisation tools will help you create a mental picture of success. By showing your
subconscious what you want, you will put all the chances on your side to obtain what you want,
with motivation and excitement!
In fact, imagery has been described as the language of the unconscious. However, the most
powerful visualisation technique uses all senses, not just pictures: Sight, sounds, feelings, taste,
smells and inner dialogue too. The key to successful imagery is to be as creative and imaginative as you can.



Learning to focus only on the positive aspects of your life will not only allow you to evolve with
ease and serenity, but also to attract what you want most at the moment. When one understands the functioning and power of neural pathways, it becomes most important to monitor one's thoughts to ensure that beautiful thoughts rather than negative thoughts are created in one’s brain.



By agreeing to take responsibility for your life, actions, commitments and changes, and thanks to the constructive feedback you will receive throughout the sessions, you will realise how achieving your goal will be possible. So get ready to achieve it!




“The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write,but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”

Alvin Toffler, American futurist writer

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Serenity Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy

An ocean of serenity, an ocean of possibilities...


Audrey Vallat 

Advanced Diploma in Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, EMDR, EFT
NLP Coaching

Regressive Hypnosis / Spiritual Hypnosis  


185 Elizabeth St - Sydney NSW 2000 - Australia

+61 415 663 092

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