“Dream the impossible because dreams do come true.”
Elijah Wood
PHM - Process Helaing Method
Dr Flint, the Canadian psychotherapist who created the Process Healing Method, believes that all behaviour is based on a significant memory, and all significant memory is attached to an intense negative emotion. If we manage to modify a given memory by separating the negative emotion attached to it, the memory then becomes ineffective and ... harmless.
Therefore, if any memory can change, any behaviour can change as well, cannot it?
We are talking here about mental and physical dysfunctions, but also recurring psychological patterns in relationships, money, work, and even health.
However, until very recently we believed we could have access only to our conscious memories through psychotherapy or psychoanalysis in order to try to change our deep personality. Also, until recently, it was thought that a memory was something permanent, unchanging. However, neuroscience has made huge progress over the past two decades, and the most extensive studies in this field now prove that memories are in fact malleable: Every time we bring an unconscious memory to the surface, thanks to this very specific technique developed by Dr Flint, we have the opportunity to modify it; its neural connections become fluid again, synapses open, neurones separate slightly from each other, and the brain is then literally able to replace old negative connections with new positive or neutral connections.
How do we change a memory then? More to the point, a memory stored in our unconscious?! This is what Dr. Flint discovered, calling on the Supraconscious, an external observer which is in a way detached from what is taking place in the Conscious and in the Subconscious, thus allowing the brain to re-program naturally.
Using the serenity-infused atmosphere of the session, the Supraconscious can create new, calm and peaceful memory associations, thereby altering neural connections.
In order to control our life, we must control our behaviour, which emanates from our negative memories and emotions. Once our negative emotions are disconnected from our memories, we are free to create new positive memories, and thereby new behaviours. Through this approach, we detach ourselves from our past neurological patterns. All that exists, then, is the present, which becomes a healthy, solid and serene foundation for a future totally different from what it could have been.
“What if you knew you could not fail? What would you attempt to do?”
Robert Schuller