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  “Imagine you are floating in an ocean of serenity, an ocean of possibilities...


“Unless the mists part, there is no way to navigate your way

to the island of Avalon. But unless you believe the island is there,

the mists won’t part.”


Marianne Faithfull

A 1967 study by stress researcher Edmund Jacobson found that visualising an activity produces small, but measurable reactions in the muscles involved in the imagined activity.


Imagery, or visualisation, invites us to use our imagination to form pictures in our mind. In fact, imagery has been described as the language of the unconscious. However, the most powerful visualisation uses all senses, not just pictures: sight, sound, feelings, taste, smells and inner dialogue too. The key to successful imagery is to be as creative and imaginative as you can.

“When people throw stones at you, don’t throw them back.
Collect them all and build an empire.”


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